Quick Books Online — Recurring Templates
QuickBooks Tips
Recurring Templates (Adapted from https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-us/configure-products/create-recurring-transactions-in-quickbooks-online/00/186472)
Create recurring transactions in QuickBooks Online.
1. Go to Settings ⚙.
2. Under Lists, select Recurring Transactions.
3. Select New.
4. Select the type of transaction to create, and then select OK.
5. Enter a Template name.
6. Choose a Type: Scheduled, Unscheduled, or Reminder.

Make any transaction a base template for a recurring transaction:
Start from an existing transaction and create a template by selecting More at bottom and select Make Recurring
Edit an existing recurring template
1. Select Settings ⚙️.
2. Under Lists, select Recurring Transactions.
3. Select the appropriate template, then select the Action column ▼ drop-down menu and choose Use.
4. Once the transaction is open, make any needed changes, then select Make Recurring.
Duplicate an existing template
1. Go to Settings ⚙.
2. Under Lists, select Recurring Transactions.
3. Select the appropriate template, then select the Action column ▼ drop-down menu and choose Duplicate. All settings except the title will be inherited by the duplicate copy.
4. Update template and save with new name.