QB Online — Menu customization and new features
What happens when you find out that you have one Vendor in QB with more than one instance with slightly different names. To prevent a mess when it’s time to do 1099s or just to keep your QB nice and tidy you will want to MERGE the two. In the past the only way to do this was to rename one of the instances the same as the duplicate and QB would prompt you to merge.
QB has introduced a new way to Merge Vendors and Customers.
1. Now there is a Merge feature
a. From inside a Vendor or Customer > go to the Edit drop down and select “Merge Contacts”

b. You will get the Merge Contacts pop-up where you can select what contact you will be merging into. Note — the “Into” or destination contact will be the contact information after merger. If you have unique information in your original contact, make sure and save before merging.

How about some new additions to the Top Left + NEW Button
2. Among other features — you can now Add a Vendor or Customer directly from the NEW button. Instead of the extras steps of first going to the Vendor or Customer center for access to the New Button

And don’t forget the Left Side Menu.
3. At the bottom of the list is the option to Customize this menu. Maybe you don’t use QB Payroll — you can remove “Payroll” from the list. Streamlining your view to maximize efficiency. Make some tweaks today and see if your QB experience improves.

a. From here you can remove items and reorder items in the left side menu list.

b. And while you are in this menu — check out the Bookmark feature to link to your most frequent tasks. Click over to “Bookmarks” in image above for options.
You too could have a slick new interface for your next accounting adventure.