Excel — Massive View Tip
How many times have you had Excel data on 2 different TABS in the same file that you needed to look at simultaneously? What was your solution? Did you use the screen capture tool to take a quick snippet of one TABS’ data while you worked in the other TAB?

Or did you copy one TAB to a new workbook so you could at least put them side-by-side on your computer screen?

Oh… there is a better way. A method where you can see both TABS at the same time and if you make a change in either of the views, the file will update, and the change will appear in both. Let’s learn about this magic.
1. Open your spreadsheet.
2. On top Menu select the View TAB
3. Click on “New Window” in the Window Section of the menu

New Window immediately opens a second workbook identical to the original. The original file name will have a number “1” added and the second file with have “2 — Excel”.

And then if you want to view them side-by-side just click on “View Side By Side” on the menu bar.

Check out View Side By Side in the short video clip, and never again worry about how you are going to see 2 TABS in the same workbook at the same time again.