Excel — Calculate a running total
A handy formula to have in your tool kit is SUM. But SUM is so much more than just adding two numbers. Here is a quick tip to use SUM for a running total.
Often with a bank export you want a column that shows the running balance. I’ve done this in the past using SUM by adding the starting balance and then add the cell above + new amount. But this can break and there is a better way.

Just one problem with this method — if you need to add rows of data you to redrag the formulas to include the new rows in the running balance. They will not be automatically picked up.

To do it the right way.
1. First set up your data with a column for a running balance.
2. In the first cell enter this formula =SUM($Column-Letter$Row-Number:Cell) or in this example =SUM(J$2$:J2)

3. As you drag this formula down the column of data it will keep summing the entire set.

4. Try skipping rows or inserting new rows and it still sum the entire column.

5. This formula will work in empty rows.

6. And you can just drop this formula in anywhere on your spreadsheet and get the running balance.

Add this handy SUM tweak to your toolbox today.